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  • DATE
    February 24, 2024

  • TIME
    9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Lenten Quiet Day

Lenten Quiet Day is a reflective day of prayer, meditation and contemplation. This day is central to St. Martin’s Lent traditions and is sponsored by St. Martin’s Chapter of OSL.

Just before he was driven into the wilderness for 40 days and nights, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. Perhaps that is why the penitential 40 days of Lent seem to have a baptismal quality about them. Or maybe it is from St. Paul’s claim that those “of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death” (Romans 6:3) which supplies baptism with a flavor of Lent and Holy Week. Regardless, the Church has long associated the season of Lent with the preparation for the sacrament of baptism and for living a baptismal life.

Supported by the Rev. R. Wesley Arning’s recently published book, “Waters of Baptism,” he and the Rev. Sharron Cox will supply three meditations the baptismal nature of Lent, pondering the intersection of this foundational sacrament and living a Holy Lent.

In between the reflections, there will be quiet time for journaling, prayer or walking through the grounds of St. Martin’s. Coffee and muffins will be available, and the Quiet Day will end with the renewal of baptismal vows.

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